Friday, January 27, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

To the person I once knew...

Dear past Andy

Thanks alot...

Your sincerely present Andy

P.S Fuck you.

To Catch Up

Studying: Medical Imaging 2nd year.
Working: Burswood Entertainment Complex (croupier)

^my current life

Friday, November 26, 2010


Got told by my boss to work at convention center for the mega sale... Epicly Tired. So much walking around. Saturday suppose to be packed, so packed you can't move around :), Can't wait to make my splash in money from commission :o. Lunch/Dinner provided and drinks provided as well, what a bonus tbh =D

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Look Into....

Look into my eyes, tell me what you're waiting for, there's no need to lie, baby love is all I'm asking for, so tell me what's the price, baby I'll pay you with my life...

It's like looking into darkness, unable to see where it starts and where it ends. A never ending abyss!